Technology Fee
- Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test from Ookla. We are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access all of the content at We also strive to make all content in Speedtest apps accessible. If you are having trouble.
- It's impossible to put a number on what's consider the normal speed of a network's internet connection. Everyone pays for a different speed and uses different devices, on different networks, to access the internet.
Sep 12, 2018 - Cannot seem to download this patch. I have tried. Stuck at 0 B/s 'downloading'. Change your upload and download speed on the launcher.
All J. B. Speed School of Engineering students enrolled in any classes are accessed a $25 technology fee for that given semester. The technology fee includes any undergraduate student, Masters of Engineering program students, or graduate student (MS, Phd, and post-doc) enrolled for one or more credit hours (including co-op).
Engineering Software Bundle
All software covered by the technology fee is accessible for download. Downloads are free, but monitored and restricted to Speed School students only. If you are a faculty member and are looking for software, you may log in to the Engineering Software Bundle to receive instruction on how to access the software that has been specifically licensed for your use. The software on the Bundle site is only for Speed School Students.
You may install the software on only one computer; the agreements do not cover installation on multiple computers. Do not download software on another computer or give your friends or relatives your DVDs to install on their computer. This is a direct violation of the user agreements and you will be held personally liable. All software products have some form of license keys and activations are tracked.
Software included in the bundle has been selected based on applications commonly needed by all Speed School students. Some departments may use additional software not included in the bundle - such software was not included since it would raise the technology fee for all. In such cases, the professor who is teaching the class will instruct the students on how to access the software. For students who need to load an operating system, our Microsoft Imagine agreement will cover these cost. Please refer to the Software Bundle Site for more information.
You may access the Software Bundle Website at You will need to enter your ULink username and password.
Applications available through the Citrix Receiver may be accessed at You will need to enter your ULink username and password. More information on the Citrix Receiver may be found on the Software Bundle Website.
All software is for your personal use on a single computer - activations are tracked. Do not download/purchase DVD's for others nor disclose Product Keys.
Incoming Students
Check Download Speed
We've dedicated an entire page of instruction catering to incoming students on the Software Bundle Website. All incoming students should begin by following the steps on the 'First Steps' page. Incoming Freshmen for the Fall term should not attempt to install software until instructed to do so. You will receive an email at the beginning of August with information regarding how and when to access the software website.
Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive
With your log in ID for CardMail you can access the Microsoft Office 365 suite that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others. OneDrive is a free cloud based storage solution that is also included with Office 365. Because your files are stored in the cloud you can access them anytime, anyplace. Office 365 may be accessed at Log in using your ULink credentials.
More information on Office 365 and OneDrive can be found on the UofL Email Site for Students.
For more information please contact:
Speed IT Helpdesk
Vogt Building Room 203
Phone: 502-852-7620
B/s Download Speed
Anyone else's patch download stuck at 0 B/s?
I'm pretty sure my internet is fine as I ran a speed test and I'm getting my usual speed. Nothing else is using any major bandwidth and I tried a scan and repair but it just went back to where it was. The progress bar is stopped dead too at about 5-10% for the past 10-15 or so minutes.
First time this has ever happened to me and not sure if the servers are overloaded or something but I couldn't find anything official on it atm.
B/s Download Speed Test
Edit: Doing what Dasbuut said worked for me though kinda mysterious that it did. Thanks for the replies anyway!